Bruce E. Carney
County Judge
Judicial Assistant: Melinda A. Savage
Email: msavage@circuit5.org
Office: 352-341-6708
Fax: 352-341-6724
Office Information
Citrus County Courthouse
110 N. Apopka Avenue
Inverness, FL 34450
County Judge
Judicial Assistant: Melinda A. Savage
Email: msavage@circuit5.org
Office: 352-341-6708
Fax: 352-341-6724
Office Information
Citrus County Courthouse
110 N. Apopka Avenue
Inverness, FL 34450
NOTE: Requests for motion hearings will be considered after motions have been filed and appear on the case docket or a copy of the motion is provided showing that it was e-filed.
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*NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC:* The Code of Judicial Conduct governing behavior by judges forbids the Judges of the Fifth Judicial Circuit to discuss pending cases with the public. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a Judge about any case. The Court is only allowed to consider arguments made in the courtroom and in documents properly filed by actual parties in the case as authorized by law and the Rules of Court. The Court cannot ethically read or consider any other opinions or arguments about the case. Communications that do not meet these legal requirements cannot be forwarded to the Judges.