Charles L.W. Helm
Circuit Judge
Judicial Assistant: Nancy Gugliotta
Office: 352-253-4402
Fax: 352-742-4240
Circuit Judge
Judicial Assistant: Nancy Gugliotta
Office: 352-253-4402
Fax: 352-742-4240
For hearing request for up to one hour via ZOOM, please use the schedule hearing tabs below.
For hearing times that exceed one hour, please send your request to ngugliotta@circuit5.org. Please be sure to include your case number, the total amount of time being requested by all parties as well as the motion that is to be heard. The Judicial Assistant will respond with your hearing time. It is YOUR responsibility to do a Notice of Hearing.
When preparing your notice of hearing, please include the docket number for the motion(s) that will be heard.
Noticed hearings may only be cancelled with the approval of the Court. If you wish to cancel a hearing that has been previously scheduled, you must email the Court at ngugliotta@circuit5.org and state the reason for the cancellation. If the cancellation is due to a conflict, proof of conflict must be provided to the Court in compliance with Florida Rule of General Practice and Procedure 2.550.
ALL PROPOSED ORDERS shall be submitted for entry by email ONLY. Please do not send paper orders, as we endeavor to be a paperless office. The case style, including case number, shall be indicated in the subject line. PLEASE SUBMIT ORDERS IN WORD FORMAT (.docx) ONLY (NO PDF DOCUMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED).
Proposed orders must include a copy of the motion, a cover letter that identifies the hearing it relates to and whether the order is agreed-upon by all parties. This will allow for more expeditious consideration of the matter.
It is STRONGLY suggested that you do not send a proposed order until the matter has been heard.
Proposed orders may only be submitted in advance of scheduled hearings if the hearing date and time is specifically referenced.
Failure to follow these instructions shall result in your e-mail/proposed order being rejected.
ALL PROPOSED ORDERS shall include a certificate of service in compliance with Florida Rule of General Practice and Procedure 2.516. The certificate of service shall contain language substantially similar to the following:
“I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been provided through electronic service and/or regular U.S. mail to the following parties.” The parties shall then be listed. Please do not split the certificate of service on 2 pages.
Failure to provide the required certificate of service shall result in the Court’s rejection of the proposed order.
Please double-check your orders to ensure the caption includes the correct circuit (Fifth Judicial Circuit) and county (Lake County).
In cases involving a self-represented litigant who is not participating in electronic service through the e-filing portal, the proposed order must include language that the represented party will serve the order through regular U.S. mail on the self-represented party and certify said service through a filed notice of service within five (5) days of the entry of the order. This provision is an effort to eliminate the costs of providing copies and self-addressed stamped envelopes to the Court with proposed orders. Failure to include this language shall result in the Court’s rejection of the proposed order and request for a new order.
For Order submission, please email: JudgeHelmProposedOrders@circuit5.org
Please note that failure to comply with the above procedures shall result in the Proposed Orders being Rejected and a delay in processing your case(s).
Nancy Gugliotta, Judicial Assistant
Email: ngugliotta@circuit5.org
Please allow 48 hours for a response. Numerous, repeat e-mails are unnecessary and will only slow the response and processing of your hearing request or document processing.
*NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC:* The Code of Judicial Conduct governing behavior by judges forbids the Judges of the Fifth Judicial Circuit to discuss pending cases with the public. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a Judge about any case. The Court is only allowed to consider arguments made in the courtroom and in documents properly filed by actual parties in the case as authorized by law and the Rules of Court. The Court cannot ethically read or consider any other opinions or arguments about the case. Communications that do not meet these legal requirements cannot be forwarded to the Judges.