ARRAIGNMENT: Upon the filing of a notice of appearance, plea of not guilty, waiver of arraignment, an Order setting the next court date will be entered. Counsel is responsible for informing the Defendant of all future court dates.
PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE: All new cases will go from Arraignment to a Pre-Trial Conference (“PTC”), set out approximately 60 days from Arraignment, depending on when Speedy Trial runs or if it has been waived. An Order Setting Pre-Trial Conference will be entered.
The purpose of the Pre-Trial Conference is to either resolve the case or set the case for trial. If a case is not resolved by a Change of Plea prior to or at the PTC, then attorneys must be prepared to set a realistic trial date. An Order Setting Mandatory Trial Priority and Order Setting Jury Trial (Trial Order) will then be entered.
TRIAL PRIORITY: The purpose of Trial Priority is to determine the order in which cases will be set on the upcoming trial calendar. Trial priority starts at 9:00 a.m. on the designated day. The Court will hear change of pleas at Trial Priority.
The Defendant must be personally present for the Pre-Trial Conference and Trial Priority. An attorney seeking to waive the appearance of a Defendant for extreme good cause must seek permission of the Court by proper Motion at least 5 business days prior to the hearing date.
See ORDER SETTING PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE or ORDER SETTING MANDATORY TRIAL PRIORITY AND ORDER SETTING JURY TRIAL previously entered in the case for deadlines and requirements of a Motion to Continue.
All cases not continued prior to TRIAL PRIORITY shall remain on the trial docket and will not be continued from the trial docket without a showing of exceptional good cause. No negotiated plea agreements will be taken after the conclusion of Trial Priority.
TIME BETWEEN TRIAL PRIORITY AND TRIAL TERM: One week will be left between Trial Priority and Trial for trial preparation and specific matters; however, that week will NOT be used to address those cases that have completed Trial Priority the week before and are scheduled for Trial the following week. All Change of Pleas and Motions to Continue a Trial Term must be addressed according to the Trial Order and will not be addressed during this time.
VOP CASES: All VOP cases will be given a hearing date at Arraignment, if the case is not resolved at Arraignment. If a Change of Plea is negotiated after the Arraignment, but prior to the hearing date, then it can be set on a Change of Plea Docket. VOP Arraignment cannot be waived and can only be continued by a Motion to Continue for good cause filed at least 5 business days prior to the Arraignment.