Counsel for Children with Special Needs Registry

The court’s registry on private attorneys to represent children with certain special needs pursuant to Section 39.01305, Florida Statutes.

Conflict Counsel Registry

The court’s registry on conflict counsel pursuant to Section 27.40, Florida Statutes.

This spreadsheet includes:

  • Criminal
  • Delinquency
  • Dependency
  • Guardianship
  • Baker-Marchman
  • Other

Court Appointed Evaluation Expert Witness Services Registry

The court’s registry on court appointed Expert Witness Services based on statutory authority pursuant to Florida Statute 29.004 for: §916.115, F.S. (Evaluation for Adults), §985.185, F.S. (Evaluation for Juveniles), §393.11, F.S. (Developmental Disability Examining Committee) & §916.301, F.S. (Evaluation for Persons with Developmental Disabilities).

Court Approved Arbitrators Registry

The court’s registry on arbitrators pursuant to Florida Rules of Arbitration 11.010, 11.020, and 11.110

Court Appointed Guardianship Examining Committee Registry and Developmental Disabilities Registry

The circuit’s registries for guardianship examining committee members, pursuant to F.S. 744.331(3)(a) and Developmental Disabilities member F.S. 393.11(5)

Dog Approved Registry

Section 92.55(4), Florida Statutes, enables the court to establish conditions it finds just and appropriate when taking the testimony of a child, including the use of a service or therapy animal that has been evaluated and registered according to national standards, in any proceeding involving a sexual offense.

Eldercaring Coordination Registry

Eldercaring coordination is a dispute resolution process during which an eldercaring coordinator assists elders, legally authorized decision-makers, and others who participate by court order or invitation to resolve disputes with high conflict levels in a manner that respects the elder’s need for autonomy and safety.

Guardians Approved Trainers Registry

Each Chief Judge approves the specific training for 4 and 8-hour guardianships in their Circuits. The curriculum for the following Guardianship Training Providers has been approved by the Fifth Judicial Circuit.

Parenting Coordination Registry

The circuit’s registry on Parenting Coordinators’ alternative dispute resolution service per Rules for Qualified and Court-Appointed Parenting Coordinators pursuant to rule 15.010