For further information please contact:

MaryAnn Aiyer, Alternative Dispute Resolution Director at

Eldercaring coordination is a dispute resolution process during which an eldercaring coordinator assists elders, legally authorized decision-makers, and others who participate by court order or invitation to resolve disputes with high conflict levels in a manner that respects the elder’s need for autonomy and safety by:

  • Facilitating more effective communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills;
  • Offering education about eldercaring resources;
  • Facilitating the creation, modification, or implementation of an eldercaring plan if such a plan is necessary to reach a resolution;
  • Making recommendations for resolutions; and
  • Making decisions within the scope of a court order or with the parties’ prior approval


Application for Eldercaring Coordinator

Eldercaring Coordinator Roster

Eldercaring News

Staywell Awards $8,000 in Grants to Support Eldercaring Coordination Program in Florida

TAMPA, Fla. (June 18, 2018) — Approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 each day, and more and more disputes pertaining to the care, needs and safety of elders are ending up in the family court system. To help resolve these disputes, Staywell Health Plan, a WellCare Health Plans, Inc. (NYSE: WCG) company, is supporting an eldercaring coordination pilot program with $8,000 in grants to qualified families seeking dispute resolution.

Eldercaring disputes begin to surface when decisions must be made about the physical and emotional care of aging parents who need assistance in caring for themselves, often pitting adult children against one another when they cannot agree on the best course of action for a parent.

In response, eldercaring coordination is a court-ordered dispute resolution process to assist families who turn to the courts for resolution. The process begins with a court order of referral to an eldercaring coordinator, a highly qualified conflict resolution specialist who helps enable effective communication, facilitates the implementation of an eldercaring plan, and eliminates the need for the court to manage family decision-making.

“Eldercaring coordination is based on the idea that with open communication and effective planning, family members can come to the best resolution to resolve disputes,” said Elizabeth Miller, president of Staywell Health Plan. “Ongoing conflict can put undue stress on a family and delay needed medical treatment and therapies, adversely impacting the health of elders and their children.”

Staywell’s grants are available for those identified as unable to pay jointly for eldercaring coordination. Information about Staywell’s grants are available at the time of court referral.

“Thanks to Staywell, 16 Florida cases can be referred without concern around affordability,” said Linda Fieldstone M.Ed., a family conflict dispute resolution specialist and founder of Family Resolutions, LLC.