110 NW First Avenue, Room 1-1062
Ocala, FL 34475
Office: 352-401-6724
Fax: 352-401-7896
Edith Ellis, Civil Citation Coordinator 352-401-6724
Crystal Watkins, Manager- 352-401-6725
This Juvenile Civil Citation Program is an alternative to arrest for youth 13-17 years of age who commit certain first time misdemeanor offenses. Florida Statute 985.12 gives law enforcement the discretion to issue the youth a civil citation in lieu of arrest. Youth will be assessed for appropriate sanctions and services such as counseling, treatment, and other appropriate community resources. The Juvenile Civil Citation Program works with community partners and Teen Court in the effort to reduce juvenile crime and to provide services for at-risk youth. There is a $25 fee (due within 30 days of the orientation and assessment) to participate in the program.